

by Tris

Our next meeting in the Parish Room, Bottesford, will be on 14 May at 8pm. The optional theme is “signposts”. As always please feel free to play with or disregard the theme as you see fit. Regulars will know just how very optional the themes are, though I was pleased to share something last time that was, at least if you squinted, slightly on topic for once.

Signposts could mean anything you want. They could be those things that keep you on your path, that keep you true and stop you from getting lost. They could be devices in
academic writing to guide readers through an essay. They could be the clues, suggested by this article, that let a reader know what kind of story they’re reading. They could also be ways to help you read a text, as in the Notice and Note method of teaching (set out in this worksheet).
You could also keep our continuing chat about notable bookshops going by signposting us to any more that you could recommend. At our last meeting we had Five Leaves in Nottingham and St Mary’s Books in Stamford.

Whatever you bring, whether it’s something on the theme, your work in progress, or just yourself and some ideas, we look forward to seeing you.