by Tris
For 11 June our theme will be - object.
We ended the last meeting talking about how this could be an object that is filled with meaning, an important metaphor for the rest of the text. It could also be a MacGuffin or a moment to reflect on why we need to write.
The Scrivener podcast I was talking about is Write Now with Scrivener (https://podcast.scrivenerapp.com). Each episode is an interview with a writer, usually about how they write, with a bit at the end about how they use the app.
And the Pixar memo on the hero’s journey can be found at https://www.chrisjonesblog.com/files/chris-vogler-memo-1.pdf.
I hope you’re having a great month of writing and that you can make it on Tuesday 11 June at 8pm in the Parish Room.